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and showcase your expertise

Show what you know and build trust with prospects by teaching them about your niche and offering resources that make their lives easier.



You give me the topic, length, and style, and I'll give you a ready-to-publish blog, ebook, white paper, email candence, or landing page.

Research-backed insights

Topic keyword research

Unlimited word count


per hour


Content clusters and publication schedule based on SEO and target audience research. Plus the content to put the plan in action.

SEO & market research

Full funnel content plan

Ready-to-publish drafts 


per hour


Leverage third-party newspapers and magazines to generate backlinks and access their larger, built-in audiences. 

Publication & SEO strategy

Pitch templates & content

Ready-to-publish drafts


per hour



Where we get on the same page about what you want your content strategy to achieve, who you want to target, and what the timeline to success looks like.


I channel my inner wordsmith to deliver you the content to meet those goals. I'll optimize it for SEO and conversions, and break it down into promotional pieces. 


We'll submit your brand new content for Google to index and monitor the content strategy according to your goals, refining and optimizing as necessary.

Understanding Content Marketing

  • What is content marketing and why should you care?
    Content marketing is how your prospective buyers learn about their problems, identify solutions and choose you as the person they want to fix it for them. This type of marketing strategy uses written, video, and audio to talk about a topic like your industry, niche, target audience, or business. Content marketing strategies have evolved from the typical blog posts, white papers and ebooks to include more multimedia tactics. They now include videos like TikToks and YouTube videos, audio clips like podcasts, and highly visual infographics. You can use thought leadership content to explain the challenges your buyers face and what solutions are available. You can host webinars or publish infographics to talk about how you solve for those challenges and what solutions you offer. You can create comparison guides and promote testimonials that solidify why your business is the right business for your buyers
  • What are some examples of content marketing?
    Use blog posts to increase SEO rankings and drive website traffic. Blog posts have two practical functions in a marketing strategy: educate your buyers and educate search engines like Google. They answer questions your buyers have about your industry, niche, or business. But, the most powerful impact is in how they teach search engines. Using keyword research and linking strategies you can double your website traffic in a few months just by publishing a few blog posts. Create short form videos to showcase your expertise and build trust with your buyers. Short form video capitalizes on our incredibly short attention spans and gives you the opportunity to offer quick and easy to understand advice for your buyers. They're easy to produce and can be repurposed over and over again on all your social media platforms. Plus they help humanize your business by putting a face (or faces) to your name so your buyers can get to know the people who make up your business before they buy from you. Host a podcast to give your buyer's the inside scoop on the latest trends in your niche. Podcasts are the unsung hero of content marketing. Sit down each week or month with an expert in your field. Ask them questions about their work, their life, or anything else you think your audience would find engaging. Record the casual conversation and publish to your podcast. Do this often enough and you'll create a loyal following that tunes in every time you post a new episode. Bonus: break the podcast into 30 to 90 second clips to use on social media.
  • What are the benefits of content marketing?
    Increase SEO rankings and get found on Google The most impactful benefit of content marketing is it's impact on search rankings. You could have the greatest business around. But if no one knows you exist, you're dead in the water before you know it. Content marketing helps you tell Google who you are, what you do, and how you solve your buyers' problems. So the next time one of your buyers search about a problem you solve, Google offers up your website as a solution. Drives more lead conversions on your website Not only does content marketing bring buyers to your site, it can convert them into leads too. Use gated assets like white papers or courses to collect contact information that you can nurture into a lead. You can also embed calls-to-action throughout your free content like blog posts and videos that prompt your website visitors to make a purchase. Adaptable to many marketing channels Unlike some marketing activities, content marketing can be repurposed over and over again. White papers can be broken down into blog posts, infographics, and social media posts. Webinars can be turned into podcast episodes, blog posts, and YouTube clips. Builds a loyal community who will buy from you again and again Done right, content marketing builds a community that trusts you to give them accurate information, solve the challenges they face in their lives or jobs, and offer insightful commentary about your field. Because they trust you, they're more willing to buy from you than Joe Schmo down the street.
Download my free content brief template

Steal my content brief template

Use this template to create your own content in-house, work with a third-party agency, or shoot it to me for your first blog post project! Inside, you'll learn to:

  • Overview the purpose and topic for your content

  • Establish graphic needs

  • Optimize your content for SEO and conversions

BONUS: Use my ready-to-go outline format for quick and easy drafting.



State of Cloud

Thought leadership asset that generated more than $1.75 million in sales verified pipeline.


Incident Response

This blog post is a recap of a sponsored event, including an on-demand link, to amplify the point-in-time event content.


Multicloud Series

Optimized existing content with updated keywords, internal linking, and CTAs to increase rankings to page one.


Press release

Published this release as a blog post to leverage greater brand visibility, and establish executive as a thought leader.


Log4j Update

I published this blog post in 24 hours to alert customers of the vulnerability and actions they need to take.


Cloud Guides

Developed three ebooks for the three major cloud platforms to explain the most confusing cloud terms.


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